May 8, 2023Liked by Shai Plonski

Shai, I am so very sorry that this happened to you. Thank you for sharing your story so that these crimes can be prevented.

Are you still in the Bay Area? If so I would like to invite you to lunch. It's been too long! - Aleece

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Thank you for your words of support Aleece. Very much appreciated. Yes I am in the Bay Area.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Shai Plonski

So very sorry to hear this! I have almost fallen prey to scams on dating sites, so I can empathize. We want to see the best in people, not assume they are untrustworthy. Sadly, that is often the case.

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Thank you for sharing Tammy. I'm glad you got wind of it before something happened to you!

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Such a sad story I can also relate to... I too was scammed with an investment and lost £50,000 pounds. At present we are trying to deal with Fraud investigation, however this guy was a top professional and has had many names.... on a more positive note it has not prevented me to seek and invest my time and gifts within Thai Massage to enable recovery and healing to the humans in Scotland x 😊

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Wow Sharon, I am so sorry to hear it and I hope you're successful. I know people who do this for a living are really freaking good at what they do.

So glad for you and to hear how you are using your gifts. Keep sharing all that love and metta!

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Sawadee Ka Shai I think this is a lesson I have learned from God to trust in him to provide 🙏 and slowly I am starting to give up the control i feel I need over my life in all my decisions. I am blessed to connect with you 😊😊 Gods Grace and Love be with you today and always ❤

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Shai, aah thank you for sharing with us such detailed and transparent story and your consideration about us is huge for me. Seeing the pictures of that "girl" adds another layer to it... but you've said it, there is no way you discontinue your practices to notice the good, to elevatey your emotions and to let your mind know that life goes on, sometimes from zero, sometimes from top of the mountain, everything changes, and every low has its up, and the up will be even more exciting and expansive ❤️

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Thank you for your share Nino. That really means a lot! I feel you and receive that truth.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

This could have happened to any of us. I had my bank account hacked and completely cleaned out (business and personal) in December right before Christmas, and I am the one who gave them the information to do it. They called from my local bank after having texted me about the possible fraud, which had happened several times this year prior to this. I didn’t think anything of it, but I did have some kind of feeling that … something wasn’t right. But because they were already preying on my fears, I was all theirs for manipulating and didn’t listen to that feeling. If someone else had been here with me, perhaps I would have been able to ask better questions, to heed my feelings of caution, but I was alone. Perhaps they already knew that, too. The bank’s insurance did pay me, so I did get all of money back. It really wasn’t much. Not even enough for 2 months worth of bills, but that’s all I had. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. Sadly, it happened to others at my bank, too. It was not a new story to the police when I gave them my report either. The bank and the police were all so supportive, telling me how many people this kind of thing happens to, including so many educated, intelligent, sharp people. The scammers are just that good! It felt horrible to have been preyed upon. I had been violated, and while this time was completely different, it certainly wasn’t the first time. All the feels rushed in. These feelings stayed with me for some time. I hope my short story also serves as another cautionary tale. I’m so sorry this happened to you, Shai. It was your money, your future, your safety. And to add insult to injury, your heart , too. I’m so glad you shared your story and ways to help. Sending you much love & healing. With metta, Erin

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I'm so sorry that happened to you Erin. I really appreciate you opening your heart and sharing here. You say it so well. It is a deep feeling of violation that has been feeling like a bottomless pit. And the scammers really are that good and with the technology that exists they are better equipped than ever.

Thankfully, the more I do the inner work of holding space, the outer work of taking care of my health and body and the extended work of showing up in all the parts of my life and sharing this story, the more that healing takes place.

Sending loads of healing love your way.

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I unfortunately fell victim as well. Has anyone tried to recover their stolen crypto funds through FBI, recovery service, etc?

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Hi, Shai! I came here from your YouTube video about your situation. I feel you man, it's tough. When someone who's not only demonstrably physically attractive, but seems to know her way around financially, appears to take a sincere interest you, it's incredibly easy to let your guard down. It may feel beautiful and refreshing at first, given the consistency of your conversations, the instantaneousness of your connection, and apparent reciprocity of your interests, ideas, beliefs, and dreams. But once money is involved in any constant capacity, you start to recognize it as that person's primary ulterior motive toward you - that the whole time, they were just mimicking your energy to keep up appearances, all the while feeling absolutely nothing toward you in the long term.

Usually, I hear stories of scammers ridiculing their victims and shutting them down emotionally once any concerns are addressed. But what makes your case different, and to a great extent, trickier to recognize, is that she reacted indifferently toward your problem. Her indifference was the real killer in this scenario. You deserve much better than whatever that was.

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I know what you are feeling as I’m dealing with those same thoughts and emotions. My life savings, and as you noted every dollar of saving had a story behind it. Literally a lifetime of squirreling away whenever I could. And it started similarly to your story. Getting to know someone long distance who happened to go out of town a few weeks after we first talked. How could I fall into the situation I’m dealing with now? How could I let my heart go? How could I give permission to someone I didn’t know to ‘help’ me with finances?

Honestly I lay in bed at night wondering how? I replay it all over and over and at this point I’m just so sad inside, yet unable to say anything to anyone about this! I’m embarrassed and heartbroken and disappointed in myself.

I’ve learned so much since last November! I’ll heal over time but I’m so alone through this all. And to think it was a relationship I was looking forward to! I’ll be alone, my choice, for a long time!

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I had no idea that this happened to you. It’s terrible and I am so sorry to hear this. You didn’t do anything wrong and you don’t deserve this. It’s not your fault on any level. You are simply the victim of bad people. I hope that Karma catches up with them for treating people this way.

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Thank you Henriette, very much appreciated and deeply received.

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Dear Shai: That is such a sad story, because you are such a loving person, and someone exploited this beautiful trait of yours to their advantage. It is terrible to be made a fool of, but you have not lost your amazing healing and teaching gifts. Nobody can take your life skills from you, and they will carry you forth. My husband and I took a Thai massage class with you in 2019, at the very last Wanderlust in Tahoe, and we both know you are an amazing, patient teacher. Now the time has come to let go of that sh!t and look at your future of which you are in full control. I greatly appreciate your videos and am rying to incorporate some of what I am learning into my private therapeutic Yoga sessions. The people who have met you in person all appreciate you greatly and are here for you, as you are here for us!

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Monika! I so greatly appreciate what you shared. It touches me deeply. Yes, this is all a process of release and letting go. And your support helps me very much in this process.

Very glad to hear you're practicing and still using it! If you're ever looking for more courses and guidance please let me know. We have a great online learning community with people from all around the world.

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